Salvation and Rewards: Part One

Did you ever receive a reward? Perhaps your father promised you something that you wanted very much, if your report card were especially good. The good thing that he promised you was not pay—for your father didn't have to give it to you, as an employer has to pay the man who works for him. It was just something extra, given because you did well and deserved it.

God gives rewards to His children for the good things they do. Of course you know that we do not earn our salvation; that is “the gift of God, not of works, lest any man should boast” (Ephesians 2:8-9). God does not give rewards to unsaved people, but only to His own saved children. If they do things which please Him, after they are saved, they will receive a reward. If they do not do the right things, they will lose their reward.

There are some boys and girls in your school who seem to be able to get good marks almost without trying. They are so bright that they learn their lessons without seeming to work at all. Other boys and girls have to try very hard indeed. They work hours and hours to get good marks, and perhaps even so their marks are not so good as those of the extra bright pupils. If the Lord were giving rewards in school, He would not reward the one who got his lessons most easily, but the one who tried the hardest, and was most faithful. This might prove to be one of the brightest, or perhaps it might be one of those who found his lessons much more difficult. That is the way God always rewards. He is looking for faithful workers. Revelation 2:10b promises a crown to the one who is faithful. Any one of us can win a reward, then, if we will only be faithful.

God’s word tells of a number of things for which we can receive a reward. (Look up and discuss the following references: Matthew 10:41-42; Matthew 5:11-12; Daniel 12:3; 2 Timothy 4:8; James 1:12; Colossians 3:23-24; 1 Corinthians 9:24-25).

We do not know just what these rewards will be. The verses we have read speak of rewards, and crowns, and “shining.” Shall we have real gold crowns, with precious stones in them? We do not know. This may be in Heavens language a symbol of some great blessing, which we could not even understand in earths language. But whatever these rewards are, they will be very wonderful indeed, and we shall be very happy to have them.

The very best thing about these rewards is that it will make the Lord Jesus happy if He can give them to us. He wants us to have them, and He will be even happier than we are when we receive them.

We can have these rewards if we are faithful every day, and let the Lord Jesus rule in our lives. “Trust and obey” should be our motto. If we do that, we may be sure of having rewards when the Lord Jesus gives them out.


  • Why does God reward the student who worked hard?
  • What does this story teach us about genuine faith?


  • Look up the following scripture and explain what they teach us about salvation and rewards. Matthew 10:41-42; Matthew 5:11-12; Daniel 12:3; 2 Timothy 4:8; James 1:12; Colossians 3:23-24; 1 Corinthians 9:24-25


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