As I marinate over a fresh brew of coffee, I’d like to share with you three leadership reflections from this past week:
First, pray and attempt to accomplish only what Jesus could get credit for accomplishing. If you so choose to take this mission, you will be stretched, crushed, and beautifully forged into the image of Jesus. And Jesus will accomplish great things through you.
Second, think process, not event. We live in an event driven culture. God produces lasting life-transformation through a daily commitment to the process. Case in point, weight loss crash diets do more harm than good. You lose weight really fast but you lose muscle, which slows your metabolism then you gain back not only the weight you loss, but much more. To lose weight properly, you eat healthy and you exercise consistently for months.
Third, the Church and her leaders (Pastors) must recapture a passion for the Gospel of grace. So much self help-ism is being camouflaged as the Gospel in the church. Self help-ism only increases one’s ability to trust in themselves and it uses Jesus as an ATM in the sky to fund their quest to capture the American Dream.
The Gospel of grace moves us into an intoxicating relationship with Jesus, His Father and the Holy Spirit, in which Jesus’ Life actually becomes our life (Col. 3:3-4). We (His Church) become His sacred outlets to fulfill His passions and purposes which are the Great Commandment (Matthew 22:37-40) and the Great Commission (Matthew 28:18-20).