Salvation is a beautiful thing, and it’s worth celebrating forever. But it’s really only the beginning of life in God’s kingdom, not the end. Unfortunately, many Christians stand immobilized in the doorway rather than entering further in, and that really doesn’t produce much growth.
Look at it like this: Do we really grow to be more mature human beings by staring at our birth certificate? Do marriages grow stronger when couples pull out the marriage certificate and gaze at it? These are reminders of what began, not instructions for how to continue. We don’t grow closer to God by staring at the new birth. We grow closer by bonding with him, by sharing his thoughts and feelings and desires. We let him lead us into unexpected places and trust him in the process.
Most of us know what we were saved from. Far fewer of us know what we were saved for. The short answer is that we are meant to grow extremely deep in relationship with God and partner with him in advancing his kingdom. The long answer . . . well, embrace a lifetime of discovering it. Your entrance was only the beginning of much, much more to come.