“My son, if you take my words to heart and treasure my commands within you, if you pay close attention to wisdom, and let your mind reach for understanding, if indeed you call out for insight, if you ask aloud for understanding, if you search for wisdom as if it were money and hunt for it as if it were hidden treasure...” (Proverbs 2:1-5).
You have spent three hours building your amazing Lego city. You know exactly which piece you need to finish your building and no other piece will do. Even though it takes you another hour, you will search through your 42 bazillion Legos in a container the size of a laundry basket because it has to be the right one.
God wants you to search for wisdom the same way you search for your Legos. He wants you to pay attention, to read your Bible, to ask your parents for advice, to pray to him for the ability to understand his Word.
Why do you do all this? King Solomon, the wisest man on earth, tells you, “. . . then you will understand the fear of the Lord and you will find the knowledge of God. The Lord gives wisdom. From his mouth come knowledge and understanding. He has reserved priceless wisdom for decent people” (Proverbs 2:5-7).
Wisdom helps you know God better. It’s time to start looking.