Secret Wings

A text message giving an invitation to meet at the hot pink booths for breakfast appeared on my phone. I excitedly responded yes! The little girl in me gets so giddy when this friend and I have any time to get together and share hearts. We seriously say ok you go first, no you go first

We have so much to catch up on and feel like we cram weeks and even months of interaction and life experiences and surprises into a 1-2 hour time slot.  Time escapes us so quickly. From the beginning of our time together to the close, we are filled with such awe and wonder as we unpack and reveal things that are going on in the world around us. Loads of laughter, joy and some tears are just a few expressions that are sure to follow when we get together.

Yesterday was a day just for that! We sat aside time to just connect and have fun. We met up at Silver Spoon in Southlake and sat in our hot pink booths. The table was in the shape of lips and we laughed as we sat down knowing that our lips had so much to talk about and share God’s goodness. The chandelier light hanging above us was covered in over a hundred folded over spoons. I always say that we are scooping up God’s goodness with those spoons as we tell about how He is moving and grooving in our lives and those around us.

I had my bag filled with surprises to make our time together so special. I began to pull trinkets and tinkers from my bag and her eyes lit up in amazement. On a side note, my sweet friends have recently nicknamed me Mary Poppins because I always carry a bag filled with so much creation and inspiration that it seems to always have something that they can benefit from. Special note cards, seeds, feathers, glitter, candles, a lot of random things that can spark creativity in a moments notice. Good times are always sure to follow.

I embellished the table with blooms, glitter, fairy wings and more as we shared our very own tea party. Just the 2 of us. We were giddy and resembled little girls in our own little world. We realized that neither of us had tea parties as little girls. Not sure of the reasoning but… What better time to start than when you are a big girl we thought. We then sprinkled pixie dust “aka glitter” in our hair and something sparked inside of us and the effects left us speechless.

I shared with her about a Tinkerbell movie I had just watched with fairies and their secret wings.

Lots of symbolism in how their wings were shiny and sparkly and then came a realization that they were sisters.  When their wings joined together something very special happened. That is a reflection of the way I feel when we are together. We were not raised in the same family home. We did not grow up seeing each other every day. But for some reason when we are together, I feel as if she is my long lost sister that I never knew I had, until now. Something pretty special and remarkable!

Our wings, although they are not always seen, are flapping and taking us to places that we never dreamed we could go. Things above and beyond what we could ever ask, dream or imagine. These dreams are coming to pass. God is giving us the flight pattern and painted our wings ever so beautifully. You and I are made to fly!

We began doodling and drawing out plans for her writing assignment and the ideas were flowing and coming non stop. Thoughts were rapidly being revealed and taking shape. When before all she saw was the beginning and the end.  The middle part and everything in between was a mystery. Soon after thoughts for the middle began to be fashioned and formed and she could see clearer. What was once cloudy became visible. We were drawn to think as little girls and gain wisdom from their perspectives and viewpoints.

Ask me and I will tell you remarkable secrets about things you do not know. {Jeremiah 33:3}

We were in the middle of our drawing, layout and thought process when in walks a little girl with the cutest glittery backpack with cherry seeds and blossoms on the cover. She looked to be about 5 years old. She smiled at us and sat down in her own hot pink booth. She kept looking over at us and saw our fairy wings sitting in the chair beside us. I invited her to sprinkle some pixie dust on her. She was filled with excitement. Soon after three of her little friends joined her. They also sprinkled pixie dust all over them. It covered their cheeks, arms and more and they were enjoying the moment. Grins and giggles! They also picked some flowers and a little encouraging word from a box that they excitedly read out loud.

My heart overflowed with joy and compassion as I watched those little girls giggle and just enjoy being little. My thoughts reflected to all the ladies around us. So many times we are so busy rushing here and there and everywhere and we miss the moments to just be little. To enjoy a “spot of tea” or even some make-believe sessions with a girlfriend. Some girl time. A time to share heart to heart with a close friend or mentor. Sometimes the situations and circumstances going on around us cause us to ignore the inner child inside us that is longing to come out and play and enjoy the heavenly interactions that can follow.

Release the pressure. Release the demands. Release the burdens. It’s time to relax. Take a deep breath.

Just be little at least for a little while. What are some things that you really enjoyed as a little girl? Some of your favorite memories with your girlfriends. Some things you may have forgotten. Ask for some of  those things you enjoyed to resurface and take some time this week to just be little. Reenacting some of those moments or journaling is a great start to begin.

You will be amazed at the outcomes and fun times you will have. We would love for you to share any of the experiences you encounter as you enjoy being the little girl that God created and designed you to be. Sprinkle some glitter around you and ask for God’s wonder to come alive and really surprise and WOW you! You will be so happy you did!

A fairy is born when a baby laughs. – Tinkerbell

All it takes is a little faith and trust and a little pixie dust. – Tinkerbell


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