See the Treasure

We look at other people and see the flaws. Sure, we may look up to some in admiration, but sooner or later, everyone disappoints. When they do, we begin to define them by their mistakes or misperceptions, focusing on the earthen vessels they were created to be. We miss the treasure the vessels hold. 

In the Spirit, we are to begin to see people as God does. He doesn’t stare at our earthenness; he looks at the treasure inside. He sees the potential he gave us, not the ways we’ve fallen short of it. As new creatures in Christ, we are entirely measured by the image we are conforming to, not the image that was shattered in the fall. And the image we are conforming to is magnificent.

Learn to see people that way—not for the present image of earthen humanity, but by the future image of the divine nature being crafted within them (2 Corinthians 3:18; 5:17; 2 Peter 1:3-4). They may look like products of the past, but they aren’t, and neither are you. We are vessels of glory, and eyes of faith will look past the vessel, see only the glory, and celebrate it just like God does.

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