Seek God with Your Whole Heart

Although anointed at an early age by the prophet Samuel to be king of Israel, David first gained public attention when he became the young shepherd boy who killed the Philistine giant, Goliath. This was one of many battles that this unseasoned warrior would successfully face. After many years of living life as a fugitive, fleeing King Saul who desired to kill him because he was jealous of David’s popularity, at the age of 30, David became king of Judah. Samuel 1 and 2 show that when faced with a challenge, David consistently prayed and inquired of the Lord, seeking his guidance, provision, and protection. He was a man after God’s own heart. (1 Samuel 13:14).

In Psalms 18, David glorifies and exalts God for delivering him from the hands of all his enemies and from the hand of Saul. He consistently acknowledges Him for responding to his needs in a time of distress. In Psalms 18:2, to demonstrate the vastness of God’s love and power, David refers to the Lord by seven different names:

  • My Rock
    • My Fortress
    • My Deliver
    • My Strength
    • My Buckler (Shield)
    • The Horn of My Salvation
    • My High Tower

David did not allow his shortcomings, failures, or sin to keep him from pursuing God with all his heart. He believed in God’s faithfulness and sought his help with unwavering zeal. What challenges are you facing in your daily work life? Do you pray and call on the Lord for help with work issues or chose to try and figure things out on your own? Remember that you are not alone. The Lord is with you. We encourage you to seek God first in all that you do. Like David, in times of trial and times of success, cry out to the Lord with your whole heart.

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