Seek Only Him

Though the Lord is exalted, he looks kindly on the lowly; though lofty, he sees them from afar. —Psalm138:6 (niv)

When I was living in Austin, Texas, my parents came to visit. They wanted to see the sights and eat the Mexican food I’d been raving about, but what I most wanted to show them was my church.

I took them to Austin Central Church and happily introduced them to some of the friends I’d made. The church had co-pastors whom I’d come to appreciate and who always had moving sermons. This time, however, an assistant pastor gave the sermon. She focused on a particular theological doctrine that I didn’t agree with, and it didn’t fit with the spirit of the congregation and wasn’t meaningful to me.
I was upset and embarrassed. When we left, I apologized to my parents and tried to explain that it was usually better. “I just loved being in a place you love so much,” my dad said. Here I was trying to impress my parents with how great my church was, but not allowing the service to help me grow closer to God. If I didn’t agree with a sermon, it was a chance to reexamine my beliefs, not to get angry and defensive. No apologies necessary.
Thank You, Lord, for reminding me that it’s You, not the appreciation of others, that I seek.
Written by Sam Adriance
Digging Deeper: 1 Chr 16:10; Pss 9:10, 27:8
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