Servant Leaders Clarify and Reinforce Vision

“Leadership is the capacity to translate vision into reality.”  Warren Bennis

Having a vision means seeing a preferred picture of the future and then setting a plan in motion to make that picture become reality. Vision can be a powerful catalyst for an organization because it can galvanize a group of people to collectively work together to achieve something of significance—something that they would not be able to accomplish on their own.  Great organizations, businesses, and churches know where they are headed because they have an intentional leader who has articulated a compelling vision that guides and inspires people.

Servant leaders understand the importance of clarifying and reinforcing the vision for their team because they know that vision is not about them—it’s about God using an organization and its people to make an impact on the lives of others. When servant leaders courageously declare and pursue a vision that can only be accomplished with God’s help, other people become inspired and motivated to participate in pursuing the vision as well.

You might be thinking that this makes sense, and you agree that you need a clear vision for your organization, but you are not sure where to start. In order to help, below are six key elements for developing a compelling vision using the word “vision” as an acrostic:

Vivid – The vision must be crystal clear to your team. A vision needs to be paint a clear picture that allows people to imagine what the ideal future looks like.

Inspiring – The vision needs to connect with the heart in a way that inspires passion. When people are passionate about something, they move towards it and take action.

Succinct – Do not make the mistake of thinking your vision needs to be a long, elaborate statement. Some of the most powerful visions are the shortest and simplest ones.

Intentional – What is the “why” behind the vision? There must be a distinct purpose that guides the vision and causes people to focus on achieving something of lasting significance.

Optimistic – People need to envision a future that gives them hope for something better. Many visions have been born out of difficult circumstances because someone had the courage to see a brighter day.

Noteworthy – A vision needs to be memorable. If your people are going to connect to the vision and pursue it daily, then they must be able to remember the vision and share it with others.

If you are in a position of leadership, ask yourself if you have a clear and compelling vision of the future. As the leader, it is your responsibility to clearly and passionately articulate the vision for your people. When people are inspired, they will act with passion to pursue the vision and make a lasting difference in this world.

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