Hebrews 10:23-24
There are two reasons we often serve others: it feels good or makes us look good. If those don’t exist, the deeds might not get done.
This was true in the early church—Greek widows weren’t getting fed (Acts 6.1), and Jewish Christians didn’t seem very excited about taking care of them. To address this need, church leaders set godly men in place to make sure love and care were given to every widow.
Sometimes we back away from serving others because we make it too complicated. As Jeff Manion says, “Don’t promise everything, just do something.” The Apostle James takes it further saying, “If anyone, then, knows the good he ought to do and doesn’t do it, it is sin for them” (James 4.17).
Serving someone can be as simple as showing up at the hospital to pray before surgery, sending a text of encouragement, dropping off a pizza, or giving a ride. It doesn’t matter if it makes you feel good or if no one notices.
As you welcome God into your day, ask him to identify a need he wants you to take care of for someone—then do it. You have no idea how God may use that for his good in that person’s life (Romans 8.28).