Set Apart

Scripture: Leviticus 20:1-22:33

Be holy.

Scripture is clear: we are to be holy because the Lord is holy. Today’s reading gives the how-to for holiness in Leviticus 20:7, “So set yourselves apart to be holy, for I am the LORD your God.”

Like the Israelites who set themselves apart from unclean food, people, and waste, we become holy when we separate ourselves from unholy things. The further we get from things not of God, the closer we get to God.

Let’s take the Set Apart Exam. (I made that name up. Can you tell?) This exam will help us inspect our life to determine what draws us close to God and what separates us from Him. This is only a start. Maybe you can think of some questions to add.

  • What am I watching?
  • What am I reading?
  • What am I listening to?
  • Who am I listening to?
  • Who am I spending time with?
  • What are my conversations like?
  • Where do I spend my time?
  • How do I spend my money?

Prayerfully consider your response as the Holy Spirit helps you determine the answers. Next, evaluate if your activities, friends, conversations, hobbies, and habits move you closer to God or further from Him. It may be time to set yourself apart.

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