Shape Your Environment

You walk into a room and can immediately feel the tension. How do you respond? If you’re like most people, you become tense too. You reflect the environment you’re in.

That’s very human, but it’s not like God at all. And if we’re called to be like him, this is one of the ways our character will need to adapt to his. God is a shaper of environments, not the one who is shaped by them. The expectations of others don’t determine who he is or how he responds; he remains true to himself regardless of the situation. He is the ultimate influencer, not the “influencee.”

You’ll also notice this dynamic among people filled with the Spirit in the book of Acts. They would go into a city, and things would change—sometimes tumultuously, but almost inevitably. They did not cave to their surroundings, compromise their beliefs to fit the spiritual context, or conform their attitude to blend in. They boldly remained who they were—in attitude, spiritual composure, goals and intentions, and more.

Remember, God’s Spirit fills you so that your inner environment can influence those around you. When you walk into a room, your inward peace, joy, love, and more can rub off on others, even when you don’t utter a word. The Spirit within shapes the spiritual atmosphere on the outside. You are an influencer, just like God.

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