Husbands: Ask your wife, “Honey, what can I do to lighten your load?” and be willing to do a task that is important to her. We promise you, your wife will be thrilled! It shows commitment, it shows your heart for her, it shows honor. You’ll be amazed at how helping out in small ways will pay off in your marriage. Your wife is going to brag that you are the best husband on the planet.
Wives: Ask your husband, “How can I help make your day or week less stressful?” and try to help him tackle something on his list. It could be that your husband doesn’t need you to do anything but talk through something on his mind. Being available and supportive communicates that you are there for your mate and you’re on his side.
To both of you: Don’t try to be 50/50 on this. Don’t set yourselves up for fights and failures by trying to delineate all the responsibilities. Sure, a list of chores might help (if you’ve got kids, then you’ve got that much more help!), but everyone should be encouraged to see what needs to be done and do it.
Set realistic expectations. How clean is clean enough? Come up with some creative ways to be clean and healthy without driving each other crazy. What about dinnertime after those long days at work? Wives: Maybe you feel that you have to prepare a fancy meal every night. Instead, try making a more complete meal once a week or so, and for the rest of the nights plan for easier meals that your husband or the kids can make.
Be creative. Have fun. After all, your time together as a family should be the best part of your day!