Shield of Faith

In addition to all this, take up the shield of faith, with which you can extinguish all the flaming arrows of the evil one. Ephesians 6:16

The shield of faith is the first line of defense against the devil’s fiery arrows. It is forged on the Almighty’s anvil with the Holy Trinity’s alloy. Faith in the Father, Son and Spirit are three metals of faith that cannot be destroyed. The heat of adversity cannot melt them. The cold of relational conflict cannot break them. And the onslaught of suffering cannot bend them. Yes, the shield of faith is a heavenly refuge for the righteous to know and feel the assurance of God, three in one.

Do you take up your shield of faith, or do you take it for granted, while it lies on the ground, ineffective? A horizontal shield of faith is no help, but a vertical one marshals heaven’s forces. Your part is to hold onto and hold up your shield of faith; His part is to extinguish the flaming arrows of the evil one. He extinguishes arrows of doubt with His reassuring words in Scripture and His calming presence in prayer. He extinguishes arrows of pride with your humble service.

The Lord is my strength and my shield; my heart trusts in him, and he helps me. Psalm 28:7

Obedience is evidence of faith that is alive and engaged in God’s agenda. We know we are surrounded by spiritual support when we enlist in the Lord’s army. If we become AWOL (Absent Without Official Leave) to Christ’s commands, we are exposed to the enemy’s artillery. A solo saint is easy prey for the enemy’s ploys. Therefore, we stay accountable to a community of faith, who shields us from ignorance and foolish decisions. Faith needs support from friends.

Lastly, wait upon God to bring reinforcements to your challenging situation. Stay in your trench of trust and the Holy Spirit will renew your spirit and give you peace and hope in the middle of the your adversary’s attacks. Let the joy of the Lord be your strength in your struggles. Take up your shield of faith and take on Satan. His arrows of deceit and discouragement are extinguished by your bold belief in God. Your shield of faith is reliable. It is insured by the Father, Son and Spirit.

This inheritance is kept in heaven for you, who through faith are shielded by God’s power. 1 Peter 1:4-5

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