Shoes of Peace

Nobody shovels in flip-flops. (Well, usually not.) For sure, though, I’ve never seen anyone ski with swim fins or garden in high heels or do ballet in army boots.

You have to wear the right shoes for the right job. When you wear God’s armor, you might expect to be told to wear big heavy combat boots—after all, you’re a Christian soldier. So these clothes might surprise you. God tells you to “put on your shoes so that you are ready to spread the Good News that gives peace” (Ephesians 6:15).

You know that God has already won the battle. Jesus is your substitute, and your salvation is guaranteed. This means you aren’t an angry soldier with a quick temper. Instead, you are confident. You live in peace with others because you are at peace with God.

God tells you to walk around, always ready to share that peace with others. You don’t yell at them; you don’t fight with them. Instead, “as much as it is possible, live in peace with everyone” (Romans 12:18).

Get your shoes on. There’s a whole world of people who need the peace that you have.

Chomp on this!

What happened to you today that made it hard for you to walk in peace?

Do you know people who need to hear about the peace that Jesus gives? How can you share Jesus with them?

Dear Lord, I’m sorry for the times I walk with the wrong shoes, when I’m angry or mean or jealous. Let me walk around with your shoes of peace today. Walk with me so that wherever I go I carry your message of love and forgiveness and peace through Jesus. Let me stand strong against Satan’s attacks. Amen.

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