Significance in Ways You Probably Never Imagined

The biggest mistake most of us make in the first half [of our lives] is not taking enough time for the things that are really important. The Halftime Institute helps you explore three stages of life:

The first half: This is the time when most people focus more on their careers and less on others (and other significant causes). Bob Buford talks about how his career (in the television business) took off. He had tremendous success, but had a “success panic” that made him stop and reevaluate his priorities. He also tells the touching story about losing his son, Ross. These (and other factors) lead him to the next stage.

Halftime: This is the time when you take stock of what you have accomplished thus far in your life and look for ways to move from success to significance. Bob compares it to halftime in sports (games like basketball and American football) that have a break during games. This break gives the teams a chance to evaluate their performance in the first half and chart ways to improve in the second half. It’s a chance to dig more deeply into what you believe and evaluate whether your life is heading in a direction compatible with your core beliefs.

The second half: The time when you can truly make a significant contribution to the world. In rare cases this happens early in life; however, with planning and effort, anyone can make it happen during the second half of their life.

The Halftime Institute is all about finding ways to be a leader in your own life, especially the second half, and helping you on a journey to making your life significant in ways you probably never imagined.

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