Signs All Around Us

When I was a little girl, I remember traveling with my grandparents for summer vacations. We would drive for miles and miles before arriving to our destination. To occupy us for the long car rides, we would play many games to keep us entertained. ABC game was searching the billboards and road signs for letters of the alphabet. The license plate game was always fun in searching for letters or out of state plates to cross off my list.

I guess those early days inspired the signs and plates that seem to entertain me daily as I am driving. I am not necessarily searching for letters of the alphabets for the game, just words or phrases that seem to draw my attention. I keep a small notepad on my console to jot down phrases or plates that catch my eye. It is fun to look back at the daily collaboration of notes, messages, or signs that spoke to my heart. Even songs that I hear and the words that speak most I will jot down to reflect upon later.

Some license plates and their numbers will reveal a scripture for me to look up. Its a fun game to me as I hurry to look up what the scripture says. ie… RVL 041- Revelation 4:1 says Then I looked, and, oh!—a door open into Heaven…These little signs placed throughout my day speak life, give inspiration, and encouragement to pass on to others.

Yesterday seemed to have moments that personalized license plates were grabbing my attention in a small time frame. A little journey around town brought revelation and inspiration to my heart.

I pulled into a parking lot and laughed when I found a parking spot right next to a license plate that read X-HALE. I had no idea how much that little plate was going to speak to me in that hour. I began walking back to my car and the lady that owned the car began backing up… I held my hand up and motioned to her that I was taking a picture to remember her plate! She rolled her window down and said she is always telling her husband and son to exhale, breathe, let it out. Whatever is going on, it’s going to be ok. She said she knew if she ever had a personalized plate, that has always been her motto. I smiled and told her how much that spoke to me. I always share how it is so easy to inhale grace and exhale any cares, concerns, worries or fears. It is such a simple exercise, but it brings lasting results!

The next personalized plate read MYBOYS – I smiled as I was reminded of my boys and how much joy they bring to our life!  I prayed for their protection as they are at school learning and interacting with their friends. Praying that their life can be a true reflection of Jesus and that others are naturally drawn to the light that they shine brightly for Him.

Driving down the same street I saw BLIEVE. I was impressed to press in and pray and believe for the promises that have been on my heart to come to pass. Dreams, small and grand, that are on my heart I began to believe for! I declared them as I was in the car. I approached  a familiar street named DreamMaker and pulled over for a little inspiration and the expressions of the dreams were written out in my journal. As the thoughts and impressions on my heart began to flow and seeing the words expressed brought joy to my heart. I had a little tube of heart bubbles and began to blow them in the wind. Also had a little jar of sparkly white glitter dust and began to throw it up in the air and believe for those promises. I believe for these miracles for the mommies and babies… I believe for____… I truly felt God smiling! His heart was for me. His heart is for YOU! I was reminded of this truth.

Proverbs 4:20-22 says Dear friend, listen well to my words; tune your ears to hear my voice. Keep my message in plain view at all times. Concentrate! Learn it by heart! Those who discover these words live, really live; body and soul, they’re bursting with health.

On the way to pick up my boys from school, a car parked on the side of the road caught my attention. When I came closer, I saw that the personalized license plate read ILUVIT. My heart smiled as I thought about how much I say this very same thing! I love it! I love it! At that moment I felt a whisper in my heart… I luv it… I love the way you love me and how you express your heart to me. Simple, ordinary moments that draws yourself closer into my heart. You release your thoughts, prayers, requests, & love words to me and I love that about you. Now share it! So that others can be inspired to do the same in their own creative ways.

Your love language and life expressions are unique and carry your own creativeness. It is custom tailored to you and God. Express yourself to Him. In the simplest of ways, whatever gets you jived and excited… go there with God. Talk to Him. Express your heart to Him. He is listening and LOVES that about YOU!

So that brings me to my question for you. If you could have your own personalized license plate… what would it read? 

Written by Salina Duffy

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