Lord of heaven, You are my life. Help me to find all my hope in You and You alone.
Psalm 119:73-96
Do you feel free to come to God with your real questions?
God's Word is powerful in the experience of the psalmist. It comforts him (76), brings delight (77), and offers hope (81). But there's also a sustained note of realism. The psalmist asks a universal question: "When will you comfort me?" (82). This is a dynamic I recognize all too readily in myself--in awe of the great doctrines of the Bible, practicing (as best I can) the beautiful disciplines prescribed by the church, and yet often running on empty. Not much in the tank.
And, of course, time on this earth is running out for the psalmist. Using an image of breathtaking poignancy, he describes himself as a "wineskin in the smoke" (83). Discarded, hung out to dry in smoky tents, this vessel is no longer of any use to anyone. That's how the psalmist now feels. And, if we're honest, many of us have walked this way ourselves. Our real longing--and need--is for the renewing work of God's Spirit.
Bring God your deepest disappointments. He knows what is within you and wants you to trust him. Ask him to speak to you.
Spirit of the living God, fill me and renew me. Let me breathe in the atmosphere of heaven and reflect Jesus on earth.