Solitude and Replenishment

Some people never really rest. They are so busy with the activities of life that they appear to be a blur: always on the way to somewhere; never slowing down. Jesus did not have that problem. He purposely sought solitude for spiritual replenishment. He seemed to know just how important such times were for “re-charging” His spiritual battery, and He took advantage of them at every opportunity. What about you? How long has it been since you were quiet and still in the presence of God, with no agenda other than a desire to sit at His feet? Many view solitude as a negative prospect, and are alone only if, and when, it is absolutely necessary. But solitude rightly pursued and experienced energizes our interaction with others, and nurtures our soul.

When Iowans Bobbi and Kenny McCaughey became the parents of septuplets (that’s seven babies, folks!) they were exponentially overwhelmed with the responsibilities faced by every new mom and dad. Seven to rock, seven to feed, seven to change, seven to bathe and cuddle and hold...what a challenge! But this young, Christian couple said, while they appreciated the outpouring of help they received, they looked forward to the time they could be “alone” with their young family for an entire evening. Once, after bringing the babies home, this husband and wife reported that they got in their car, drove to a nearby grain silo, parked behind it, and cried and prayed together. They instinctively knew that stepping out of the fray for a few stolen moments away would strengthen them for the task at hand.

All of us have demands on our time and become weary of life’s grind. Time alone with God without phones, pagers, prayer partners, portable CD players or other human or technological distractions, is critical for allowing His Spirit to fill us. In solitude, we can receive from God His life-giving breath, emerging with renewed sensitivity and compassion for others, and intensified love for Him. This is true replenishment from the source of all strength and truth.


And He said to them, “Come away by yourselves to a lonely place and rest awhile.”


2 Chronicles 9; Haggai 1-2

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