Speak Up!

Not even one hundred years ago, the Nazi party—a political party led by a man named Adolph Hitler—believed it had the right to determine who should live and who should die. Using the phrase “life unworthy of life,” they decided to kill people simply because they were old, sick, had special needs, or belonged to other religions or countries. Today, some people believe they have the right to determine who should live or die. Using the words “pro-choice,” they are willing to kill babies who are still living inside their mothers.

These things break God’s heart. He’s the God who tells us, The parts of the body that we think are weaker are the ones we really need” (1 Corinthians 12:22).

God wants you to help spread the word that he designed each person and he thinks each person is valuable. He wants you to “speak out for the one who cannot speak, for the rights of those who are doomed” (Proverbs 31:8).

Look around you for people whom the world might consider to be weak. Maybe it’s the one with autism who struggles to fit in. Maybe it’s the elderly woman with the walker who takes forever to cross the street. Maybe it’s the kid at school who always sits alone.

Smile at them; talk to them; walk with them. Reach out and let them know through your words and actions that they have a God who loves them, notices them, and thinks they are something special

Chomp on this!

What people in your life seem “weak”?

How can you help them and be a friend to them?

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