Speaking of Prayer . . .

And though a man might prevail against one who is alone, two will withstand him—a threefold "cord is not quickly broken." —Ecclesiastes 4:12 ESV

Allow me to chase one little rabbit trail before we move on from prayer. I anticipate that God is shaping you into a praying momma, but I hope He doesn’t stop there. There is another critical piece of the parenting equation that needs a supernatural touch—your man!

Did you know that researchers have discovered that couples who pray together every day have a divorce rate of less than one percent? That is some serious relationship insurance! What is it about praying together that keeps couples tight? The writer of Ecclesiastes had it figured out (he should have written a marriage book!). A cord made of two strands, representing you and your husband, isn’t nearly as strong as a cord made of three strands including you, your husband, and the God of the universe. It is so important to invite God into the choices you make as parents. The way to invite Him in is through prayer.

If you are a single mom . . . you are a hero! But second, you need to know that the three-strand principle still applies as you parent. Be intentional about finding someone you can pray with regularly as a means to strengthen yourself as you mother.

Action Step: Get to praying!

Make or renew your commitment to pray daily with your spouse. If this is impossible for you, reach out to someone who loves you and loves your children, and make plans to pray together at least once in the coming week.

A Mom’s Prayer: Lord, I thank You for the strength that comes through prayer. Show me how to pray with others well and often so that I can stand strong as I mother.

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