Spiritual Chemotherapy

The scenario is all too familiar . . . cancer shows up and tests show that it has spread. It can’t be cut out so the doctors try to eliminate it with radiation and/or chemotherapy. We all know somebody who has been through chemo, usually administered through several IV’s. As patients, we know very little about how the chemicals work . . . we have to trust the medicines, trust the doctors and do what we’re told. We give up a lot of ‘life’ in the short term. We feel bad, our hair comes out, our immune system is weakened and we can’t be around other people. But over time, we feel better and life returns and is extended. Sometimes, when the cancer’s caught early, we’re healed completely.

If you’ve come down with spiritual cancer like I did recently, you’ve got to do something. Life sucks when you feel like you’ve lost God. The good news is that He hasn’t lost you. And He’s got a Spiritual chemo regimen that can get you back and heal you. There are three treatments we need for recovery . . . these treatments are healing for us now and can help prevent Spiritual cancer from returning if we keep them up. Here they are . . .

  1. Read and study your Bible every day –Just like chemotherapy, I can’t explain how this works . . . but it does. Pick up your Bible and start reading. Don’t stop until something you read stops you . . . until God makes a point so important for you that it just jumps out. Write it down somewhere you can refer back to. There’s something supernatural about the Bible. It brings us back to Him.
  2. Tell somebody –Pick the best Christian friend you have and meet them for a meal. Tell them what’s going on . . . what you’re thinking and feeling. Ask them to pray for you every day until further notice. Yeah, I know this is uncomfortable, but you’ll be blown away with what God does as a result of your humility, courage and vulnerability.
  3. Pray every day –Talk to God. I mean, really talk to Him! Tell Him what you’re feeling, confess your distraction, your addiction, your doubt; whatever it is. If you don’t know what it is, tell Him that. Ask Him to show you what’s happening . . . what’s gotten you off track. Sometimes He’ll answer you directly. Sometimes, He’ll hear you and in His own way on His own timeframe, He’ll show up and you’ll get better.

Physical cancer patients almost never miss a treatment. If you’re experiencing Spiritual cancer right now, will you commit to this treatment plan for the next 30 days? Without fail?

Prayer – Father, you know our hearts. You give us the freedom to wander off, to struggle and to fail. But you also forgive us and you give us the freedom to come back. Please give us the faith and the discipline to follow this regimen and please meet us there. In your beautiful name. Amen.

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