Spiritual Novels

"God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble.  Therefore we will not fear though the earth gives way, though the mountains be moved into the heart of the sea, though its waters roar and foam, though the mountains tremble at its swelling" Psalm 46:1-3.

Have you ever noticed that when you are going through tough times the people who have also suffered seem to appear in your life?  It seems as if God strategically places His comfort at every turn, a very present help in trouble.  It seems that these words warn us of life's troubles just as Jesus stated, 'In this world you will have trouble.  But take heart!  I have overcome the world,' John 16:33.  Since the beginning of man's fall from grace, trouble has been running rampant throughout the earth.  So what do we do with constant sin and persistent trouble with which we are met?  We meet it head on with surrender just as Christ did.

Jesus knew all about the earth giving way as He looked out from the cross.  He was drenched with the waters of pain and disgrace as His enemies mocked and ridiculed Him.  The manner in which Jesus overcame was through His complete surrender.  He didn't fight back... He didn't rebel... He didn't get even... He surrendered for you and He overcame for me.  This is our remedy for our different types of suffering.  I read a beautiful statement this morning that shot right to the center of my heart.  'To truly get God we must learn to receive our lives rather than try to control them.' Chase, p. 118.  As this seeps down in the deep crevice of my heart, that is the life I wish to live... receive instead of control... accept instead of question... lay aside instead of picking up.  A life surrendered is a life receiving, and a surrendered life is a life of serving.  Isaiah 53:3 prophesied that Christ would be 'despised, rejected...a man of sorrows, and familiar with suffering...'  Many of us have been, or will be familiar with suffering, but will we meet it with bitterness, anger, or self-pity?  Or will we meet it with a spiritual focus that all things taken away in the temporary will be returned in the eternal?  Do we really believe that our lack on earth will be fully provided in Heaven?  Surrendering to God means we will willingly receive whatever He has for us. Then, He takes our surrendered lives and pours them out on people who need His grace.  But we must first offer Him everything and be content with however He writes our story.' Chase, p. 124.

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