Spiritual Real Estate

We are all responsible for the spiritual real estate that God has given us. There are certain areas where only you can go. When we talk about advancing the Kingdom of God, it is important to understand that there are people with whom only you have influence. Therefore, if you don’t reach these individuals, they may not be reached at all. In addition to that, God has given you keys that open up this spiritual real estate to you. You may be a doctor, dentist, bus driver, teacher, homemaker, politician, businessperson, musician or pro athlete—these are the keys which open you up to other people. Furthermore, if you are male, female, black, white, Hispanic, physically challenged or a young adult, you have doors open to you because of who you are.

If you are in the medical field, retail sales or some other customer-based profession, you are more than likely to meet new people every day. You should see this as your spiritual real estate. It is whoever God allows to come in contact with you. You are designated to play some role in their spiritual advancement.

We don’t tend to look at our world like this. As a matter of fact, we don’t tend to look at our world at all. The average person just exists from day to day, caught up in a daily routine. But I want to remind you that you have a purpose for your life—and God designed it.

So everything in your life means something. Everyone in your life is important. You don’t have to take classes on how to “relate.” Every situation that you have in your life fits you. Because, again, God designed it.

When we start seeing our spiritual real estate, things will look a lot different. When you begin to focus on God and what he wants you to do, this alone will transform your life. We stop being so self-centered and selfish and start seeing the needs of others. Personally, when God started blessing me with a “spiritual real estate” view, everything changed for me. I started communicating more with my daughter on all levels—serious and non-serious. I have strengthened our relationship, and it has placed me in a position to mentor her. My relationship with my wife, Deborah, has become one of the most impacting things in my life. When I give attention to her and her needs, it teaches me a lot about myself. Our relationship, incidentally, has been one of our “key” evangelism tools. People come to our church just because they have heard about how we love each other! God will use anything to change lives!

Furthermore, I see every person that I touch as important. When I’m standing in line at the grocery store—I pray because my short conversation with someone may be a seed to help change their life. I realize that God is orchestrating in the big picture.

As a pastor, I realize that if more people thought like this, the Kingdom of God would grow. There are no accidents in God—everything is intentional. If you can connect with God’s plan for your life (which includes your pastor’s vision for your church, your career path, your family development, your financial disposition and a host of other things that pertain to your life) then you can effectively flow in the Kingdom anointing. Seeing beyond where you currently see will bless you beyond where you currently are. With God-given vision you will flourish. When you take care of your spiritual real estate, people will be blessed and blessings will follow you.

An excerpt from, Possessing the Kingdom Anointing, by Bishop Lyle Dukes, pgs. 83-86

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