Standing for Love

The world’s view of love is get, get, get and me, me, me.

  • “Get as much as you can get from someone who loves you.”
  • “Have as much fun as you can while you’re here.”
  • “Purity is old-fashioned.”
  • “Don’t worry about saving yourself for marriage.”
  • “Only give your significant other what they ask for if they’re giving you what you want.”

But there’s a problem here. As followers of Jesus, our version of love and purity is starkly different from the world around us. Jesus’ description of love is polar opposite to the world’s definition. His definition of love is give, give, give (John 15:13).

So with the world’s version of love being hammered into our brains through social media, movies, magazines, and friends (to name just a few), how do you get the old definition of love out (what the world says) and get the new definition in (what Jesus says)? Here are five ways to get started.

1. Pray for strength to stand.

Our strength is in the Lord.

The LORD is my strength and my shield; in him my heart trusts, and I am helped; my heart exults, and with my song I give thanks to him (Ps. 28:7).

Pray for strength to stand for Christ’s definition of love, purity, and fulfillment in Him, not romance.

2. Get a mentor.

Having someone you can share your thoughts and feelings with is a huge help in standing for truth. I’ve heard it said that you will become like the five people you spend the most time with. Proverbs 13:20 backs this up.

Not only will a mentor be able to pour wisdom into your life, but they’ll help keep you accountable in the area of purity when you’re surrounded by impurity.

3. Do a major purge.

Get rid of anything that tempts you to buy into the world’s definition of love. That could include apps, books, magazines, songs, or shows.

Being passionate about purity means doing whatever it takes to pursue righteousness and purity in your life. Be honest with yourself about what needs to go and what can stay. Also, enlist help from someone wiser (see point 2).

Whatever you get rid of, replace it with something that will draw you closer to the Lord. If you leave an empty void, chances are that you’ll eventually go back to whatever it was that you purged in the first place.

4. Don’t do normal.

Do weird. You’re going to be considered weird by people when you stand for God’s version of love and seek purity. When you’re persecuted, made fun of, laughed at for living by Scripture, that is when you know you’re doing the right thing. People aren’t going to understand you, and that’s okay..

Do you want to be like everyone else? Accept their skewed version of love, live in the moment, and don’t worry about consequences. Do you want a life that’s lived with purity and true love? Accept God’s higher call. Don’t love the world’s sub-par way of doing things (1 John 2:15).

5. Practice contentment.

A lot of us chase after love because we’re not content where God has us. Here’s a harsh reality: If you’re not content outside of a relationship, you won’t be content inside a relationship either. God has you in whatever season of life you’re in for a purpose—both to teach you and so you can serve Him. We get into trouble because we try to rush God’s timing and run our own lives.

The apostle Paul told us that he had learned to be content in any and every situation (Phil. 4:11). Practice contentment now, and being content in the future will be oh so much easier!

As you begin to stand for God’s definition of love, making that higher calling known by living it out, something will happen: Others will notice. And fellow believers who may have been timid about standing for truth, for purity, for Jesus, will be inspired by your actions.

Fighting for purity and God’s version of love isn’t easy. But it is rewarding—life lived for Jesus always is.

By Beecher Proch

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