“In the morning, Oh Lord, you hear my voice. In the morning, I lay my requests before you and I wait in expectation.” Psalm 5:3
Is prayer a vital part of your life? Many Christians would say – of course! However, if someone looked at your life, at your priorities, and how you spend your time - would this statement still appear true? If we’re honest with ourselves, the topic of prayer can be very convicting.
So, are you praying? Is prayer a key part of your life? A priority? Think about this: When you get up in the morning, is your first thought about God or checking your phone? The Psalmist wrote about starting each day with God. Do you have that same priority? In today’s hectic and busy world it’s so easy to rush into our day without giving much thought to God or to prayer, but starting the day with God gets our day started right. Prayer recalibrates our hearts for life’s ups and downs.
Dietrich Bonhoeffer put it this way: “The prayer of the morning will determine the day.” So are you praying? Perhaps it’s time you started putting God into your morning routine. I guarantee that He has something more important to say than your phone, social media or even that important email. Take a moment to start your day right by starting it with God.