Stewards of our Wives

In the opening chapter of Genesis, I’ve noticed a curious series of events.  First, we’re told Adam is placed in the garden to care for it and tend it. That is, Adam is given the role as steward of God’s creation. He would have understood that, although he didn’t own the garden, he was responsible for maximizing the potential of the garden. That’s what stewards do. They maximize the master’s investment.

Then, a few verses later, Adam is given Eve. First, God didn’t give Eve to Adam until Adam had a job. (This should be a hint to us.) And, Adam would have received God’s gift of Eve as a steward. He would have understood his role, his calling, was to maximize the potential God, the Creator had placed in Eve. Adam was a steward of Eve.

What would happen if we as husbands understood we were stewards of our wives?

  • We would recognize our wives are gifts from God.  Just as God prepared Eve for Adam, Jeannie has been prepared by God for me and your wife for you.
  • We would become experts in our wives, students of everything about them.    If our role is to maximize their potential, we need to understand our wives better than they understand themselves.  We must be able to name their potential if we are to maximize it.
  • Our wives success would be our success.  Husbands would celebrate any success of their wives as their own success.  When our wives have accomplished their God given purpose, we as husbands have accomplished success.
  • We would pray often for our wives.  Every steward has to report is to his master.  To know your wife and then talk about her with the One who made her.
  • We would understand we will be held accountable for our wives.   As God has given our wives to us, one day we will have to give them back.  I want to be her steward who is able to say, “See, you gave me 5 talents.  Now, I’m returning to you 10.” I can only imagine the moment when the Father and I celebrate all that Jeannie has become.

Husband, what would change in your marriage if you understand your role as a steward of your wife?

Well, change it. Because you are.

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