Stop Waiting for “the One”

You’ll never find a suitable spouse if you’re not willing to change yourself first.

About half of us will be married at some point in our lives. Yet, few marriages live up to their God-given potential, because one or both spouses aren’t giving their best in the relationship.

If you’re single and wishing you were married: don’t grow impatient. Marriage is a gift from God, but so is singleness. It’s an invaluable time to discover who God’s calling you to be and to say ‘yes’ to whatever He has for you next.

You’ll never find a suitable spouse if you’re not willing to change yourself first.

Just because you’re not married now doesn’t mean you won’t be married one day. So why not use this time to prepare to be the best spouse possible? Maybe it’s time to stop waiting on the perfect spouse and start becoming one.

4 Ways To Prepare Yourself To Be A Great Spouse

1. Practice keeping your focus on Jesus by keeping your focus on Jesus.

No matter the stage of your life, the status of your relationships, and the hopes of your heart, God wants to be involved. All things are held together in Jesus, including marriages (Colossians 1:17). If you want to have a great marriage relationship, begin walking with Jesus and obeying Him today, not later.

2. Don’t trust stereotypes.

You may have heard marriage is about giving in to your spouse’s demands no matter what. Or that certain roles are only for wives, and some things can only be done by husbands. Forget the stereotypes you’ve heard. In marriage, you’ll realize what’s actually true when you experience it and have the chance to form your relationship in a way that honors God and suits the way He’s uniquely wired you and your spouse.

3. Be intentional.

Even before you get married, learn to look out for others’ well-being and serve people like Jesus serves the church (Ephesians 5:25-27). Be purposeful in how you use your time and money before you get married, so that when you have a spouse in the picture, you’ve already started to grow in maturity and selflessness.

Marriage isn’t the answer to your problems.

4. Understand that marriage isn’t a cure.

Just because you want to get married or improve your marriage doesn’t mean it will solve all your problems. Marriage won’t cure your loneliness, sinful sexual desires or the need to feel love. The only cure for what all we lack is Jesus, and He’s given us much to be grateful for. Marriage isn’t the answer to your problems; letting God work in your life is the only way to experience real change.

Written by John Weirick

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