Story Time


Thank You, Lord, that You are writing Your story in my life. I purpose to be faithful to share it.


Acts 22:6-21


What is most striking about Paul's conversion?

Paul's conversion is arguably the most famous in the Bible, so much so that the phrase "road-to-Damascus experience" is used to describe a life-changing moment, whatever its nature.

Our own journey to faith is going to be very different from Paul's, but also different from everyone around us. Just as God made us all unique, he also draws us to himself in unique ways.

For some it's a cerebral decision, after hearing the facts and deciding "yes." For some it's a journey of the heart, the feeling of God calling and seeking them in ways they don't quite understand. For some it's when they're young; for some it's as an adult.

What Paul is showing us here is how powerful each of our stories is to an audience. We can quote the Bible to people and show them the love of Christ through our actions--and we should! But nothing resonates quite as powerfully as stories of how Jesus has touched our lives.


Take a moment to think about your story. Nobody has met God the way you have. Tell others what God has done.


You are working in my life and I want to let the world know. Fill me with Your boldness so that I may speak words of life.

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