Strawberries in Spring

I love spring! It’s my favorite season of the year! Flowers in bloom. Trees filled with new growth and budding new leaves. Beauty is in the air. All around. I breathe it in. I am so ready to welcome the springtime and say goodbye to the coldness of winter!  This has been one of the coldest, iciest, freeze covered years that I can remember. I’m so ready to thaw out and embrace the warm sunny days. How about you?

Springing forward. The time change helps extend the daylight and the days seem to last a little longer when the sun sets later in the day. Sunshine brightly and radiates our days. This is the goodness days are made of.

My hubby loves to plant flowers and fruit in our backyard. The strawberry vines are one of our favorites! The vines produce many juicy, ripe, red & luscious strawberries. He will come close with handfuls of fresh strawberries straight from the vine and he is always surprised by our little harvest. I am so looking forward to his freshly grown strawberries this season. He will be planting and preparing the vines really soon.

I read this scripture today and it spoke so clearly to my heart.

God’s Word is better than a diamond, better than a diamond set between emeralds. You’ll like it better than strawberries in spring, better than red ripe strawberries. Psalm 19:10 MSG

As much as I look forward to the juicy red strawberries to savor and enjoy… I look forward to reading and enjoying God’s Word so much more! It is so satisfying and savoring more so than anything else on the planet!

In moments when I am needing wisdom, direction, insight, guidance, encouragement or a little spring in my step, I will look to God’s Word to deliver and to fill my soul and satisfy every longing and craving. It is always exactly what I need. I will flip to scripture or a passage and it reveals just what I was searching for. It’s all in the delivery!

The revelation of God is whole and pulls our lives together… God’s word directs us to the hidden treasure. Psalm 19:7,11 MSG

I went to the market today and handpicked strawberries and fruit in the produce section. I looked for the red ripe, juiciest ones. I can not wait to wash and eat them. Yummy! As much as I love strawberries and spring… I love God’s Word 1000x more!

His Word brings revelation and insight and so much goodness too! Taste it and see. Enjoy your fill of strawberries and seeds of God’s Word this spring. You will be so happy you did, and once you eat some, you will go back for more and more!

I looked up strawberries in the almanac online for more insight.  It reveals that they are sprawling plants and that the seedlings will send out runners, or ‘daughter’ plants, which in turn will send out their own runners. The strawberry vines produce blossoms before the fruit appears. Tiny white blossoms appear. I love to look and search through the green vines to see the blossoms that have come up overnight…

A similarity in these strawberry plants can be compared to you and I. We can be like the strawberry sprawling plants and the seedlings sending out runners or ‘daughter’ plants in that when we share the good news of Jesus and the truth in His Word, it spreads and produces more runners and blossoms for others to enjoy and savor. Enjoy the goodness of this delicious fruit in this spring season.

Written by Salina Duffy

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