Studying God’s Way

My cousin Kaitlyn is graduating from high school. This is the same cousin who, as a two-year-old, learned her colors by picking out the proper M&Ms from my hand. While she has moved on from colors to college, I’m still finding that big-sister urge to help her on her journey.

So, in that spirit, here are a few insights I wish someone had shared with me before I began my collegiate adventure—and that you might like to share with a special graduate in your life:

While it’s true that you’re going to college to get an education, you’re really going to learn about God’s universe. He invented everything in it. That means that every subject has His fingerprints on it.

For example, the math teacher might not say outright that she’s teaching you God’s principles, but God’s dependability is revealed in the structure of equations. In the same way, a biology professor might not point out God’s intricate creativity in a cell, but its special function is because of His design.

And let’s not forget art and poetry. God values beauty, so do your best to value it, too. Create like He does—you would do well to get your head out of books every once in a while to do something with your hands.

Grades. Your value isn’t measured by your grades. Study and work hard, yes. But remember that you don’t have to prove your worth, or your righteousness, through your grades. You have perfect, right standing before God in Jesus—a poor grade won’t change that.

Value people because God values them. A good part of your education is going to come from your friendships outside of the classroom—in conversation, in doing life together, in forgiveness.

One final thought: Do your best to make your relationship with God the reason for your study. You’ll walk away from college not just with a diploma, but also with a deeper relationship with the King. There’s nothing more valuable than that.

Written by Laurin M Greco

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