Taking Un-selfies

The “selfie” is full-on out of hand. But it's also such a great representation of the self-focus in our world. Or should I say selfie-focus? “Hmmm. What do I want to take a picture of right now? Hey, I know...Me! Everyone out there wants just one more shot of me.”

Don’t get me wrong. The pictures of guys with their wives on vacation or with their kids at the park; those are awesome for family and friends to see. I’m talking about the mirror reflection shots or the laying in bed shots or the driving in the car shots. (How do people even take those?)

Let me put this into perspective. How many “selfies” do you think Jesus would post?

Zooming out to today’s thought … Of all the people you will engage with this week, divide them into two groups: those whom you are seeking to get help from (the selfie) OR those you will seek out or agree to help (the un-selfie). Those who need something and you have the ability to give it (unselfie) versus those whom you are looking to get something from (selfie).

There is a CNN article written by a woman who was looking to start a company and, after countless attempts to reach those “above her” for advice, counsel, and help, got no one to respond. Nada. She still managed to launch and become successful and then, guess what? All those people who didn’t have time before started knocking on her door—and here’s the really sick part: they are now offering help, but for a percentage share. The lesson she has learned—help those “below you” needing help. Take the time. Invest in people. Don’t just take selfies. Take some un-selfies.

I recently had a good friend who has achieved success in his area of expertise answer my question of “how are you doing?” with this response, “Well, I would be better if most of my friends weren’t using me as their ladder to try and get where they want to go.” And here’s the really sick part: many of my friends’ friends are Christian men.

From young and old, this is an epidemic today. We just can’t stop taking selfies.

So—evaluation time. In light of our new definition of the selfie, how many do you take a day? How many un-selfies do you take? Do you spend your life only looking up at the camera? Or do you ever turn it around to take someone else’s picture? To take an un-selfie?

As we read the Gospels, we see Jesus constantly taking time for the one inside the crowd. Matthew. Zaccheus. The woman at the well. The centurion’s servant. The list goes on and on. People everyone else overlooked or despised. The invisible was always visible to Jesus. He only took un-selfies.

Closing question … is it time to turn the camera around and see who needs your help today? Maybe someone who, just a few paragraphs ago, you weren’t going to have the time for?

“The King will reply, ‘Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me.’ —Matthew 25:40 NIV

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