Talk to Your Very Best Friend

In the United States during the first week of May or so, you might hear about people observing a National Day of Prayer. Some get together for prayer breakfasts; others pray by themselves.

When you are invited to pray, do you sometimes wonder what to say? In Matthew chapter 6, Jesus reminds you that you don’t have to make a big show of it or use big churchy words. Instead, he says you can pray in private, using your own words, and you can keep it simple. After all, prayer is simply talking to your very best friend, who also happens to be the God of the universe.

If you don’t know what you should say, Jesus gives you the words:

“Our Father in heaven,

let your name be kept holy.

Let your kingdom come.

Let your will be done on earth

as it is done in heaven.

Give us our daily bread today.

Forgive us as we forgive others.

Don’t allow us to be tempted.

Instead, rescue us from the evil one”

(Matthew 6:9-13).

Chomp on this!

What is your favorite time to pray?

When do you have a hard time praying?

Pray the prayer from our reading today.

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