Talk to Yourself

Those who study the human brain believe our conscious minds drive between 1 and 5 percent of our thinking and the rest —95-99 percent—is driven by the subconscious. And, they say, the subconscious is vastly more powerful.

That has tons of implications. For one thing, it means we can’t muster up faith if we have deep-seated, subconscious doubts about God coming through. It also means our God-given visions will remain fruitless if our internal voice is contradicting them. No matter what we consciously think, inner assumptions—many of which come through past wounds and distorted perspectives—can undermine us.

What’s the solution? A lot of things can help, but one of the best is to do what David did: talk to yourself. Praise the Lord, my soul; all my inmost being, praise his holy name. Praise the Lord, my soul, and forget not all his benefits . . . (Psalm 103:1-2 NIV). Your conscious thoughts—or better yet, your audible voice—can speak to your innermost being and tell it what to do and believe. And your innermost being responds.

This is not theory; there is ample scientific evidence suggesting that you respond to the sound of your own voice. It may take time, but change happens when you speak truth to an unbelieving heart. So speak it again and again, even if it feels awkward or forced at first. Over time, your heart begins to respond and believe. And faith and worship become far more authentic and fruitful.


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