Taught of the Lord

And all thy children shall be taught of the Lord; and great shall be the peace of thy children. —Isaiah54:13 (kjv)

I watch my son rushing to check his luggage. Chase will soon board a plane for Oman after singing at a prayer breakfast at the United Nations and performing in Cooperstown, New York.

It is exciting and a joy to watch and listen to him, but it was not always so. Once upon a time, he was unhappy, his grades were slipping, he didn’t want to talk. We had survived the death of his father in a motorcycle accident when Chase was five, but I suspected the loss was now haunting him. “I don’t know how to help him become a man, God. Please help us.”

The most unlikely idea came to me: Share the story of King David. So we sat next to each other on the sofa, evening after evening, sharing the story of David’s life—from lonely shepherd boy to warrior to singer, poet, dancer, husband, father, and king. We talked about manhood and God.

Though Chase still had some challenges, he seemed to relax into becoming. Now, he spreads encouragement to others, flying all over the world to sing for God.

Thank You, Lord, for my son and for his peace. I pray for peace for all of Your children. —Sharon Foster
Digging Deeper: 1 Sm16–17; Ps23
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