Teach Us to Number Our Days

“Satisfy us in the morning with your steadfast love, that we may rejoice and be glad all our days.” – Psalm 90:14

Perhaps I am simply being nostalgic due to the reality of bringing another life into this world, but lately I cannot seem to stop thinking about how short and precious life really is. Everyone tells you, just wait until you get older, life will go by even faster. And it is true. I swear just yesterday I was twenty-three, but this weekend my sweet little sister turns twenty-three herself! I don’t know where the days have gone or where they continue to go. If I am not careful, I easily fall into a rushed, impatient, get-things-done mentality. Somehow, I don’t think that’s what God desires for us.

In the United States, it’s especially easy to confuse effectiveness with hurriedness. I find myself rushing through my days; each moment in itself isn’t enough. I am always looking forward to the moment I’m home in my pajamas vegging out with my husband. But that’s not all our days are comprised of; it’s not even half! I’m finding myself missing out on the simple, mundane yet lovely things in life. People often recite this very popular quote–

“Life is not measured by the number of breaths we take, but by the moments that take our breath away.”

The author of said quote is under much debate, but whoever he is, I want to sock him in the face! If I were to live my life from breathtaking to breathtaking moment, I’d miss out on the messy, not-so-breathtaking moments this chaotic life is filled with! I don’t want to miss out on all God has for me even in the steady, rhythmic moments of life with my husband, our little one(s), family and friends.

Each day is a gift and opportunity to love a little harder and deeper the ones God has given us. And to be cheesy and quote Steven Tyler, “I don’t wanna miss a thing.” I came across Psalm 90, which is an awe-inspiring prayer of Moses laying out the supreme power, sovereignty and majesty of God. He proclaims the importance of acknowledging our dust-like state before the mighty Creator who holds each of our days in his hands. He prays something I think each of us ought to as well. “So teach us to number our days that we may get a heart of wisdom” (Psalm 90:12). Amen, Lord.

Let’s live each day remembering we will not get it back with the folks we hold so dear. I’d like to savor each day as its own special gift, and let God give me all he has in store for it. Love your people a little harder today. Be more patient. Tell them you love them till they’re sick of you. Simply enjoy them more. Treat them like the gift they are. May we measure our lives as rich by the moments breathtaking and common alike. 

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