Parenting is hard work. It’s the job we never take a vacation from and the role we rarely get respect for. But as we love our kids and try our best to raise them, we get a small glimpse into what it’s like for our heavenly Father to parent us.
Throughout the Bible, God gives us instructions on how to raise our children. Bullet Point Parenting shares God’s instructions on parenting and practical ways to put it into action.
"Fix these words of mine in your hearts and minds; tie them as symbols on your hands and bind them on your foreheads. Teach them to your children, talking about them when you sit at home and when you walk along the road, when you lie down and when you get up" (Deuteronomy 11:18-19).
How do I teach my kids about Jesus?
- Love Jesus yourself. Your kids will imitate what they hear you say and see you do.
- Spend time in the Bible as a family. Reading the Bible for 10 minutes every day can have a huge impact. Use a children’s Bible if your kids are young, and tie it to their bedtime, breakfast or dinner routine.
- Bring your kids to church.
- Sing about Jesus in the car.
- Pray with your kids before bed. Ask them who/what they want to pray for. No topic is off limits. Jesus loves them as they are and always will.
- Make what Jesus thinks matter. Explain how you make decisions so they can see that following Jesus affects what you do.
- Hold yourself accountable to God’s commands, and talk about it when you screw up.
- Let your kids see you tithe, and teach them how to give with the money they earn.