Tell the First Three People You Meet Today

Early this morning while reading the Word of God in the Gospel of John 4:39-42,  God showed me that the Samaritan woman, after having spoken with Jesus at the well, went into town and told everyone that she had met a stranger who told her everything about her past.

Many of the inhabitants of the town believed that Jesus was the Messiah because of her miraculous testimony. (We say one genuine miracle equals a thousand sermons.)

All you and I have to do this year is to introduce Jesus to folk and He, Jesus, will do the rest.

Because in verse 42, we see the people told the Samaritan woman:  ‘…now we believe because we have seen for ourselves that Jesus is indeed the Christ, the Son of God.’ (Jesus stayed in the town for two days).

When Jill and I gave our hearts  to Jesus nearly forty years ago, we were told to tell the first three people about what we had done. We have never stopped since. (Mark 16:15, the great commission).

Evangelism is simply one hungry beggar telling another hungry beggar where to find bread!

That Samaritan Woman of ill repute was not an evangelist or a famous preacher, and yet because of her personal testimony, the whole town believed.

A burnt-out preacher came to the evangelist Gypsy Smith and said, “I’ve preached the Bible from Genesis to Revelation and have nothing left. What can I do?” Gypsy said, “Just keep telling them what Jesus means to you.”

Let’s go out into this desperate, broken, hurting world today and tell precious souls what the Son of God has done for us, and Jesus will do the rest.

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