Tell the Truth

“Peter was sitting in the courtyard. A female servant came to him and said, ‘You, too, were with Jesus the Galilean.’ But Peter denied it in front of them all by saying, ‘I don’t know what you’re talking about.’ . . . Peter remembered what Jesus had said: ‘Before a rooster crows, you will say three times that you don’t know me.’ Then Peter went outside and cried bitterly” (Matthew 26:69,70,75).

When my friend Mandy and I were at the park, Mandy asked me, “Do you believe in God?” I knew that if I told her the truth, she might not be my friend anymore. So I didn’t say anything.

I felt a lot like Peter, who denied that he knew Jesus. When we are afraid to confess our faith and cover it up, or even lie about it, we are like him. God wants us to tell the truth about our faith and our love for Jesus. We don’t hide it. We open our hearts and mouths and pour out our faith. We tell the truth about what Jesus did so our friends can know about forgiveness and eternal life with him.

After Peter denied Jesus three times, he confessed and was sorry for his sins. So when you commit a sin like I did, pray to God to forgive you. Then, when your conscience is at peace, you can tell the truth and spread the great news of Jesus.

Dear God, please build up our confidence so we can spread your Word and the great news of what Jesus has done for all. In Jesus’ name we pray. Amen.


*This devotion was written by Meghan, a kid just like you.

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