Tell Yourself The “F” Word!

It’s time to start using the “F” word!

And not only that, we need to start saying the “F” word often!

And when you say it, say the “F” word with passion!

The “F” word is “FORGIVE,” as in, “I FORGIVE you.”

One of the greatest gifts we can give ourselves is forgiving the person who hurts us. It’s a gift we give ourselves because when we forgive the person who hurt us in our past, we take away their power to hurt us again in the present.

Are you tired of the hurt that happened to you years ago still hurting you today? When we choose not to forgive, we remain a victim.

To forgive doesn’t mean that we forget.

To forgive doesn’t mean we become hangin’ buddies.

To forgive means, I realize how much Jesus forgave me when He became a bloody mess on the cross.

Trust me, I get it. I’ve experienced abuse. I know the pain it causes. But I also know the pain my sin caused Jesus to experience. And because of His pain, I’m free from the pain of my past.

“Be kind to one another, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, as God in Christ forgave you.” (Ephesians 4:32)

We looked at telling the “F” word to people who’ve hurt you.

Now we’re going to look at telling ourselves the “F” word. Man . . . that’s hard isn’t it?

Why is it so hard to tell ourselves the “F” word? It’s hard because of pride.

Let me explain.

Pride is not just saying, “Look how great I am. Look at what I’ve accomplished.” It’s also saying, “Look how bad I am. Look at the terrible things I’ve done.”

Notice that these are both instances of pride. The focus is self. And self-focus is self-worship. The Bible calls this idolatry. Idolatry is the worship of a false god and that false god is us.

Here’s a question. Is our sin too much for the precious blood of Jesus to forgive?

If we say, “Yes,” we’re calling God a liar. And that’s not a good idea.

If we say, “No,” but still live in perpetual guilt and shame, we aren’t living by faith.

And the more we live in perpetual guilt and shame, the more we will do things that cause you more guilt and shame.

Let Hebrews 10:17-18 (NCV) wreck you:

Then He (God) says: “Their sins and the evil things they do—I will not remember anymore. Now when these have been forgiven, there is no more need for a sacrifice for sins.”

Here’s what God is saying to you: You are forgiven! And the more you, by faith (despite how you feel), believe you are forgiven, the more your life will be transformed and reflect Jesus.

The more you live in guilt, the more you sin, the more you live in grace, the less you sin (Romans 6:1-14).

I have to tell myself the “F” word every day, many times a day.

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