Ten Cautions For Gifted Leaders

I. Never allow secondary leaders to slack off because of your strength to lead.

II. Avoid temptation to do jobs others are capable of doing; learn to delegate and work yourself out of a job. 

III. Never allow your love for challenges to tempt you to tackle a crisis without proper counsel.

IV. Never allow your love for challenges to take you away from the essential details regarding your oversight responsibilities. 

V. Never allow your love for challenges tempt you to tackle corporate challenges without including your leadership team.

VI. Don’t allow your thirst for accomplishment to override your focus on key relationships in your life.

VII. Never allow your great giftedness to tempt you to work without humility, brokenness, and much prayer. 

VIII. Never allow your destiny to achieve cause imbalances in your time for self-renewal, including caring for your physical and emotional health. 

IX. Never allow your ability to galvanize others to perform tempt you to fall into presumption regarding projects you tackle.

  • I have learned not to “make things happen” but to allow God to bring things to me; read Psalm 75:6-7.

X. Always aim to build the foundation of your life and organization on integrity and character instead of on personality and giftedness.

  • People are fooled by giftedness and good personalities, but God is not fooled by this and will not allow a house of straw to stand for long!
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