Thanking and Trusting

Watching my little granddaughters play basketball, there’s the constant question – “Am I playing offense or defense?” “Who has the ball?” It’s so funny to watch them stand in their defensive positions with their hands up as their teammate dribbles by them with the ball. They know something isn’t right, but they can’t quite figure it out.

In football, it’s blocking and tackling. A defensive player is always looking to tackle the guy running with the ball. But when there’s a fumble and his teammate picks it up, he has to instantly switch from tackling to blocking. A few infamous times, the guy who’s picked up the ball forgets which way to run and goes the wrong way, embarrassing himself and creating one of those stories he wishes would die . . . but it won’t.

The first task of the leader is to determine where you are. If you’re talking about moving from one place to another, knowing where you are starting from is key. Try getting or giving directions without knowing your starting point.

Now take this concept to time. To the hinge between past and future – the constant moment of truth of the present. How can we process the past and the future so we can live fully alive right now?

Try praying this without ceasing . . .

“Thank You, Lord.” “I trust You, Lord.”

“Thank You, Lord, for being there with me in the past.” “I’m trusting You with the future . . . with everything.”

In every moment of life, we can say, “Thank You, Lord. Thank You for the last minute, for today so far, for yesterday, for everything You’ve brought me through. Thank You that You’re here with me. That I’m not alone.”

But “thank you” mostly speaks to what’s already happened. “I trust you” speaks to what’s happening now. “I trust you with the landing of this plane in a heavy crosswind.” “I trust you with the lab report I’ll be getting on Wednesday.” “I trust you with my crazy sister and how she’s going to react when the will is read.”

Nothing that happens surprises God and He’s fully competent to intervene in any situation He chooses to. He can . . . it’s just a question of will He?

When we know God is good, we know He loves us, and we know He always “works for the good of those who love Him,” we can’t tell the difference between His intervention and His provision.

“Life can only be understood backwards; but it must be lived forwards,” said Danish philosopher Soren Kierkegaard.

Our life in Christ can be pretty simple . . . with enough faith.

Live this week with these two phrases on your every breath.


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