The 3 Biggest Lessons I’ve Learned About Biblical Finance

In 1973, my business partner asked me to join him in a study of the Bible to discover what it said about money and possessions. I had never read the Bible before so this was going to be an eye-opening experience……..and it certainly was!

There were three things that really resonated with me during this year-long project.

  • The Bible says a ton about money! There are 2,350 verses dealing with money and possessions. In fact, 15% of everything that Jesus said had to do with it. The reason the Lord said so much about money is simple. God loves and cares for us. He knew that all of us would have financial challenges and he wanted to equip you to handle it wisely.
  • I thought that the only financial subject the Bible would address was generosity — the handling of 10 percent of our money. But it tells us how to earn, spend, save, give, invest, get out of debt, and teach our children. It shows us God’s way of handling 100 percent of our money. Everything we need to know about handling it is found in God’s word.

Finally, the Bible reveals God has a role in handling money, and we have a part. God’s part is that he is the owner of everything, He is the One who provides our needs, and He is in ultimate control of all events. Take a look at how 1 Chronicles 29:11-12 sums up God Part: “Everything in the heavens and earth is yours, O Lord, and this is your kingdom. We adore you as being in control of everything. Riches and honor come from you alone, and you are the ruler of all mankind. Your hand controls power and might, and it is at your discretion that men are made great.”

Our Part is that we’re to be faithful stewards of whatever God entrusts to us.

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