The Adventure of Waiting

I have chosen to be content in this season of singleness.

And this is coming from a Pinterest-loving, future-wedding-planning girl.

I really do believe that God can and will orchestrate how I will meet my future husband. It would be such a distraction for me to be worrying about the when and the how! My focus is seeking the kingdom.

In high school, God told me to wait for my future husband before I entered into a relationship. That was almost ten years ago. Talk about waiting.

Easy? No. Fulfilling? Absolutely.

God has been using this season to bring healing and deliverance to every area of my life. He has been gently forming my heart into the image of His Son. This truly has been a time of learning and growing, as God has been calling me deeper into the Beloved. During this season, I have learned that the tender voice of the Holy Spirit is the sweetest of them all. The depth and magnitude of the love my heart longs for can be filled only with Him, and more of Him.

"Therefore I am now going to allure her; I will lead her into the wilderness and speak tenderly to her.” (Hosea 2:14, NIV)

Many times I have felt bad about myself because other girls my age are in relationships and I have never even been in one. But what is the point of going on tons of dates when God has already crafted my future husband for me before the foundations of time? And in this, I wait.

God wants to take you on a spectacular adventure. If all you can think about is “When God, when?” how will you ever be able to focus on the journey of now?

Your Heavenly Daddy has called you to some amazingly brilliant stuff! Yes, it may include a husband if that is your heart’s desire, but your purpose in life includes more than a man.

In the meantime, explore this great big world we live in! Go on a missions trip. Experience a new culture. Perfect the gifts God has given you. Pour your heart out in service towards others. Don’t sulk, but soak! Soak in God’s presence and the absolutely splendid dreams He has for you.

In your dreaming, God will show you your future husband’s heart.

You will see him even before knowing who he is.

His words will always be filled with grace and encouragement because he will continuously wash you with the water of the Word. The favor of God will be evident on his life because his pursuit will be to go deeper into the heart of God. He will be a mighty warrior of God balanced with compassion, grace and love. God’s glory will be displayed in his life. The Holy Spirit will fill him and rest upon him.

You will know him because he will walk in victory and integrity--a defender of Truth. He will have a servant’s heart who can humbly admit when he is wrong. There is not a prideful or arrogant bone in his body. He will put other’s needs before his own. He will have a pure heart and desire to walk in constant consecration before the Lord. He will guard and protect your purity and heart. His purpose and vision will beautifully connect with yours. He will be an amazing leader and provider. He will be responsible and mature. He will be a gentleman. Oh, and he will be handsome too.

No, he will not be perfect but he will be in the process of being perfected by Christ.

When you meet him, you will know. You will know because he reminds you of Him.

No inconsistencies. Only peace. Perfect peace.

As God is working on your future husband, allow God to work on you. He doesn't want you all broken and jacked up when you meet your one day spouse. He wants you whole.

Ladies, let God take you on the most glorious adventure.

He is preparing you for something amazing.

“Oh, let me warn you, sisters in Jerusalem,
by the gazelles, yes, by all the wild deer:
Don’t excite love, don’t stir it up,
until the time is ripe—and you’re ready.” (Songs of Songs 2:7, Msg)

Written by Endya Joy
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