Are you praying and praying about an issue, and it “looks” like nothing is happening? Perhaps you’ve prayed for years about a wayward child, or you’ve asked God numerous times to fix a situation.
After a while, it’s easy to feel faint-hearted when NOTHING seems to budge. Amen? Is God there? Is He listening? I know I’ve been tempted on a number of occasions to grow weary in the wait.
I’m glad the disciples were just like us – imperfect men wanting to believe Jesus but often finding themselves trapped in discouragement. Luke 18:1 – Then Jesus told his disciples…that they should always pray and not give up.
While sitting on my back deck this morning watching the ants march along, I noticed one in particular carrying a stick twice his size. Before I rushed to the garage for the ant spray, I pondered the mindset of those little critters. It reminded me of a story written by an Oriental conqueror. He wrote:
I once was forced to take shelter from my enemies in a dilapidated building where I sat for hours. I had nothing to do but watch and think. I noticed an ant carrying a kernel of corn larger than himself up a high wall. I counted its attempts to accomplish the feat. The corn fell sixty-nine times to the ground, but the insect persevered. The seventieth time, it reached the top. I felt like cheering for his tenacity. It made me think of my choice to persist in my own situation where I saw no end in sight. If an ant can do it, then with God’s Holy Spirit in me, He can surely do it through me.
Jesus knows everything. He sees ahead and instructs, “Do not throw in the towel.” Friend, I’ve been praying about something for over two decades and am just now starting to see a breakthrough. God’s timing is not ours. The Father wills for our good, and He works according to a higher plan. All He asks us to do is to proceed in faith (not sight) and NOT GIVE UP.
What piece of corn are you carrying up the wall? Are you willing to pick it up and climb the hill ONE MORE TIME remembering the promise of God’s faithfulness?
Hebrews 10:23 – Let us hold tightly without wavering to the hope we affirm, for God can be trusted to keep his promise.