The Bayonet

If you were out on Guadalcanal with a rifle and a bayonet, and an enemy soldier approached you and said, "Oh, how well you are equipped... what wonderful shoes, what a magnificent gun, but that bayonet I really believe is soft rubber and a Hollywood prop."

"Well," you might say, "If you really believe that it is soft rubber and a Hollywood prop, I guess I had better put it over here against the tree. I can't use it, if you don't believe that it is real steel." "Now," says the enemy soldier, "we are ready to fight with judo," and over his shoulder you go and land in the jungle.

The devil wants to get you off guard and to abandon the weapon that God has given to you. If a man comes and says, "I don't believe that your bayonet is steel," the best way to convince him is to cut the button off his shirt and perhaps nick him slightly. He will be convinced immediately that it is not soft rubber. The Lord Jesus cut deeper than the button on the man's shirt - He penetrated right through to the heart. What are you going to do with somebody who says, "I don't believe that the Bible is the Word of God"? I answer that the only way to deal with him is exactly what the Lord Jesus Christ did, He deflated Satan with the sword of the Spirit.

For the Word of God is living and active. Sharper than any double-­edged sword, it penetrates even to dividing soul and spirit, joints and marrow; it judges the thoughts and attitudes of the heart. (Hebrews 4:12)

  1. What other weapons might the devil convince us to use other than the Word of God?
  2. Why would a believer prefer these weapons over the Word?
  3. Have you recently encouraged those who faithfully taught you how to use the sword of the Lord in your life?
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