The Beautiful Swan

Dear friends, now we are children of God, and what we will be has not yet been made known. But we know that when He appears, we shall be like Him, for we shall see Him as He is. 1 John 3:2 NIV

Has the world been beating you up lately? Do you feel unloved, even by the God who died on a Cross for you? Are you having a hard time accepting that God is okay with you? Perhaps you are like so many people I have encountered. You aren’t living up to your potential as a child of God.

Did you know that God isn’t through with you yet? He has great plans for your life, and if you will simply trust and be patient, He will work all things for good in your life. What you will be someday will surprise everyone you know, even yourself.

The story of “The Ugly Duckling” illustrates this point. The egg which came from the same nest hatched a “duck” that was different from all the other ducks. It was not soft and furry, not the pretty yellow like the other ducklings. No one could understand what was wrong with this “ugly duck.” It affected everything she did. Can you imagine how bad she felt as all the other ducks made fun of her? (Kind of reminds me of Rudolph, too!)

How does the story end, though? The “ugly duckling” wasn’t a duck at all, but a swan, just waiting to change in the graceful, beautiful bird that she was created to be.

Are you like that duck? Maybe your life doesn’t seem to fit right now. You can’t understand some of the struggles you are experiencing. Nothing has seemed to work for you so far. Dear friend, hold on to the promise of God’s Word. If you are His child, then what you will become is not fully known. He who began a good work will be faithful to complete it! You are a child of God! You beautiful swan in hiding, you are among the beloved! Just wait for your wings to grow!

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