However, each one of you also must love his wife as he loves himself, and the wife must respect her husband (Ephesians 5:33, NIV).
Mom and Dad, the best way to be good parents is for the two of you to love and respect each other. Nothing gives a child greater security. When love and respect are modeled in front of the child on a daily basis, he or she grows to understand how God wants family members to relate to one another. The child feels secure in the home and is emotionally able to receive instruction, wisdom, and discipline from his or her parents.
If you are divorced, you may be thinking, "Well, that leaves me out of the process." Actually, there is an even greater message for divorced parents. Seek to never tear down your ex-spouse in front of your child. You may feel that the comments are fully justified, but your criticism crushes the spirit of the child. That’s because a child’s identity is wrapped up in both Mom and Dad. Remember, when you criticize your ex-spouse in front of your child, you are actually criticizing half of your child.
The best thing Mom and Dad can do is to love and respect each other. But if love is gone, then it’s even more important that the child witness Mom and Dad demonstrating respect for each other. Nothing is more important in being a good parent.