The Call to Character

I will make your name great, and you will be a blessing.” Gen 12:2.

Did you realize that the time frame between God’s call on Abram’s life and the actual fulfillment of the call was 25 years?  God did not come to Abram with an assignment for that day, but rather an opportunity for the future.  It was certainly a call on Abram’s life in the now, for he would have to adjust his life for God to accomplish His purpose.  It was God’s initiation and promise to build Abram into the man of character required for this assignment.

God is all about relationship and character building when He fellowships with each of us.  He will seldom show us His purpose for our lives that require immediate action.  The action that will be immediate when He speaks to us is our response in that experience.  Over a 25 year span, God built Abram into the character of God which would result in making a great name for God’s chosen.  But His chosen had to be willing to make some changes in his life to be in position to receive God’s best.

Every child of God is in position to receive a call on their life.  God wants to make all of us great in His spiritual kingdom, but we lack in some areas what is required.  We all have things that we need to lay down and walk away from to accomplish His plans.  We all have weaknesses in our character that God will need to work on for future accomplishments.  God will take whatever time-frame is required to build up our character, and work out our flaws.  ‘If you are not willing to be faithful in a little, God will not give you larger assignments.  God uses the smaller assignments to build character.  God always builds character to match His assignment.  If God has a great task for you, He will expand your character to match that assignment.Experiencing God, p. 47.

What adjustments do you feel God is asking of you?  What future blessings are being impacted by present weaknesses?  Ask God to reveal the appropriate adjustments He is requiring of you to make your name great for His glory in His kingdom.  We cannot be a blessing to others until we have allowed God to make the necessary changes to our character. 

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