The Church Is for YOU

Not forsaking the assembling of ourselves together, as is the manner of some, but exhorting one another, and so much the more as you see the Day approaching. Hebrews 10:25

Everybody wants to be a part of something. Why do you think there are such vast expanses of land throughout the earth, yet we just keep piling ourselves into cities? At the core, we don’t want to be alone; we want to be close to people. This is an expression of our Father God. Even He didn’t want to be alone, so He created people! And this is why He also created His Church. You cannot be YOU outside of being rooted and planted within a local church.

I know, I know. There are a lot of people out there who say, “I love God, but I don’t want to be a part of the church.” But that’s like saying, “I love basketball, but I don’t want to be a part of a team.” You don’t really love basketball; you just like going outside by yourself and shooting some hoops. If you love God, then you’ll want to be a part of what He is doing, and God is ALL about building His Church!

The truth is, to be YOU, you need the church. There is such power when people come together and focus their lives together. It’s so dynamic when hundreds or even thousands of folks assemble, worshiping, singing, serving, and hearing the Word…all focusing together. There’s such strength in that. This is why everybody loves going to Seahawks games…there’s so much focus, you can register it on the Richter Scale!

Who YOU are is encouraged when you’re a part of a living church. Where else can you minister to the person beside you, effectively serve your community, AND send support (both financially and personally) to ministries around the world? Church gives you the big picture and the small picture of humanity, all the while exhorting you, growing you, and supporting you.

YOU must be a part of a team to become all God has for you to be. Sure, you can be saved and love God, but to prosper in ALL He has for you, YOU need the Church!


Are you a part of a local church? If so, what can you do to become deeper rooted into that church? Are you serving? If you are not part of a local church, find one near you. It’s God’s will for you to be rooted and planted in a local church.


Father, I believe You have created me to be a thriving part of a local church. Thank You for setting me amidst like-minded Christian people whom I can be linked up and focused with as I walk through life.

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